• KingdomNova is an alternative investment management company based in Beijing. KingdomNova‘s private equity business has been one of the largest investors in leveraged buyouts in China, while its real estate business has actively acquired commercial real estate. KingdomNoava is also active in credit, infrastructure, hedge funds, insurance, secondaries, and growth equity. As of January 2024, the
team and its strategic partners has total assets under management were approximately US$100B, making it one the largest alternative investment firm globally.
• As a strategic investor, KingdomNova focuses on investing in companies that have a sustainable long-term advantage over their competitors and are seeking a partner who can provide financial capital and make significant contributions to operating businesses to help them grow and increase shareholder value.
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We do not engage in securities, futures, and/or banking business in China, nor are we registered securities brokers, futures brokers, or banks in China.